Fast Facts About Window Replacement
Discover the essential facts about window replacement in this blog post, and learn about costs, benefits, and key considerations. Here’s the must-know information our COO, Andy Lindus, shared on a recent program.
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When it comes to home maintenance, one of the most important tasks never to neglect is getting an annual HVAC inspection. This inspection should be done in tandem with an analysis of your carbon monoxide’s detectors. For maximum protection, it’s important to have one on every floor of your home and in close proximity to a bedroom. Â
Andy opened the show by telling the story of his uncle that was experiencing furnace issues. He’d been advised that hitting a bypass button could override the issue that was preventing the furnace from functioning as it should. The fix was far from permanent and it was a short time later when his home’s carbon monoxide detectors started sounding. Without this safety measure in place, the situation could have been fatal.
Window Condensation
The first question came from a listener wanting advice on how to address window condensation. Andy advised him that most frequently this issue ties back to a home humidity issue. However, malfunctioning windows shouldn’t be ruled out as the issue.
Wood Rot Windows
Lynn from Inver Grove Heights called in because she had a picture window that’s molding and rotting on one of the corners. She wanted to know if it made more sense to repair or replace the 15-year-old window that was original to the house. A sore spot was that the window had been experiencing this issue for the past five years. Andy advised her that the window she was describing was a textbook example of the builder grade products that were meant to last no more than two decades.
Full Frame vs. Insert Windows
Jerry in St. Paul is the owner of a historic home. Some of the home’s windows were still original and wanted to understand the difference between full frame and insert window installations. Andy explained that a full frame replacement meant the replacement of the entire frame. This means that a home’s siding or brick mold must be removed during the process. This thorough approach allows an installer to address air and water infiltration issues because they have the ability to fully evaluate the window frame. Although the approach to installing insert windows is less obtrusive, the process can still allow air to leak through the window.
Learn more about our Window Installation Process Here:
Home Performance Tests
Another text message came in from a homeowner wanting to learn more about what a home performance test entails. Andy informed them that while there’s a cost associated with the test, the information provided is priceless. That’s because a blower door test allows a contractor to fully evaluate areas in a home that may be experiencing air infiltration. Infrared imaging also provides full details on a home’s stack effect.
Explore More About Home Performance Testing Here:
For more information about our replacement window services, contact us today. Our team of window professionals is ready to serve you.\
Our team answers homeowner questions every weekend on WCCO 830 AM from 9:00 am-10:00 am. Have your most pressing home improvement questions answered by calling or texting 651-461-9226. Â