Dec 21, 2023

Signs Your Home Needs More Insulation

A common misunderstanding about construction codes is that they are best practice.  In reality, construction codes are the minimum expectation needed to pass inspection.  For this reason, the insulation in many homes could be improved.  If you notice any of the below scenarios in your home, it’s time to take a closer look at your insulation.  Doing so will increase your overall comfort and improve your energy efficiency.

Insulation in an attic with a ruler showing the depth of the insulation

Feeling Chilly Or Too Hot?

Rooms that feel extra frosty in the winter or too warm in the summer are often evidence of inadequate levels of insulation.  The rooms that are more likely to experience extreme temperature swings seasonally are often located above the garage or right below the attic. Lack of insulation proves problematic because outside air can filter in without a proper barrier to regulate the home’s interior temperature.

Evidence of Pests And Bugs

Finding mice and bugs in your home is an unpleasant experience to say the least. These varmints are able to crawl through holes or loose insulation and infiltrate your home.  Take back your space by working with a reputable professional to add more insulation and secure any holes.  This will allow for proper air flow throughout your home.

Here’s How a Home Performance Test Can Determine Where Your Home is Losing Energy:

Finding Water in Your Attic

Feeble insulation not only lets air flow in and out, but it also allows for water to seep into your home. If you’re experiencing water in your attic, it’s time to get your insulation checked. Leaking water from attic frost formation thawing can introduce mold issues, causing bigger problems down the road. Increased insulation and proper ventilation working in tandem can assist in the warding off of attic frost formation. Humidity is a huge factor whether it be in winter or summer months.  Keeping an eye on your attic’s conditions during higher humidity times will help prevent moisture from wreaking havoc on your framing. Be sure to always run a fan while cooking to collect the steam before it hits your walls.

Ice Dams On Your Roof

Ice dams derive from heat rising from a poorly insulated attic which causes snow to melt on the lower portions of your roof.  This causes the water to drop down and refreeze once it gets closer to your gutters, leaving oversized icicles. Not only is this a safety hazard for anyone walking below it, but it will plunder your roof and gutters. Once this water defrosts, it will seep into your home’s framing, making it soft and in need of replacing. While there are temporary fixes like chipping away the ice or adding heat tape, the only solution is to fix the insulation and ventilation issue.
Ice dam on a roof

Frozen Pipes

The pipes that are most likely to freeze within your home are those that are unprotected in spaces with minimal heat and those installed in exterior walls.  Signs pipes have previously frozen include mold, moisture build-up, and water damage.  Often the culprit is insulation that has been installed incorrectly or was insufficient.  Work with a professional ASAP to remedy the situation or be prepared to fork out thousands of dollars to address water damage in your home.

Contact us today to get started on a more comfortable home.

Browse Our Insulation Projects:

Why We're One of the Most Recommended Insulation Companies in MN:

"I did two big projects in 2023 with Lindus. First was removing and replacing attic insulation plus creating proper ventilation. Second was replacing roof and adding LeafGuard®. Did everything go perfectly? No but that is where a company shows its merits. All issues were resolved! I even received a check for unused supplies. I highly recommend Lindus. They are not the cheapest. You get what you pay for."

Jill D.
St. Paul, MN
December 14, 2023

"I have used Lindus Construction for many home improvements over the years—LeafGuard® Gutters, SeasonGuard windows, doors, a new deck, and garage insulation. They have always been very professional, treating both me and my home with great respect. As a single female homeowner, I never, ever felt like they were taking advantage of me! Everyone, from the scheduler to the salesperson, to the installers, and even their own inspector, Josh. Lindus is the best!"

Ginnee B.
Prior Lake, MN
December 22, 2023

"Jake was very helpful and responsive in getting through this catastrophic event when a huge chunk of ice crashed through our family room ceiling. He was helpful in discussions with insurance company, especially as when they sent out an evaluator he spent less then 20 minutes on the job, then disappeared."

Gary I.
Stillwater, MN
September 10, 2023

"I thought it went very well!  No issues."

Brian B.
Ramsey, MN
August 24, 2023

"Great job! Kept us informed! Also, was very considerate. Made sure everything was cleaned up at the end of the day and took care to always wear masks around us, since my wife is immune compromised."

Dave G.
Maplewood, MN
June 26, 2023

"Everything went fine.  No problems."

Chip A.
Woodbury, MN
June 20, 2023
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