Kitchen Hardware Maintenance Tips
Routine cleaning and maintenance is essential to keep your kitchen cabinet and door hardware looking its best. Varying surfaces mean different cleaning practices. Sustaining the clean look of the hardware in your home will remind you of the sound investment you’ve made. Adding these steps to your cleaning routine makes a notable change in the appearance of your home. Here are some tips for preserving your kitchenware.
Cleaning Tips by Finish Type
Bronze and Silicon Bronze: Avoid abrasive ammonia-based cleaners and bleach. Stick with traditional detergent and water. Grab a cleaning pad and gently rub before applying a good amount of high-caliber furniture wax to restore luster.
Chrome Finishes: Abstain from using rough cleaners or spiky sponges. Utilize a mild liquid detergent and move in circular motions.
Coated, PVD, and Oil Rubbed Bronze: Cleanse surfaces with a mixture of water and a nonabrasive detergent. Avoid using uncured paint, paint thinners, chemicals, solvents and acids as they could damage the finish. If the finish is declining, have hardware professionally restored or replaced. Control the appearance of your hardware by using a gentle polymer-based wax applied at least once a month.
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Gold Finishes: These surfaces are easily scratched and should be cleaned with warm water using pliable leather.
Uncoated Oil Rubbed Bronze: Once installed, apply an ample layer of furniture wax to the hardware.
Vintage or Weathered Finishes: Be sure these surfaces stay dry and use a soft cloth to eradicate any moisture. Use a light layer of furniture wax on top.