How To Choose The Best Roof Shingle Color
Updating your roof is one of the most significant investments you can make as a homeowner. So it goes without saying that shingle color does matter. It’s only natural to give as much consideration to the brand of shingle as you do to the style and color. After all, your roof’s shelf life can be up to 50 years. Taking this into consideration, it can be understandable why a homeowner might have anxiety about making this decision. We’ve compiled some expert tips to help you determine which shingle color is the best for your roof.
Take Your Time When Choosing Roof Shingle Colors
This is not a decision that should be rushed; it’s okay to take some time to give it serious thought. Consider if your color choice will be what you want years down the road.
2. Talk With Your Roofing Estimator
They’ve likely overseen hundreds of roofing jobs and can speak to which colors will best compliment your home’s structure and current siding. It’s easier to change your roofing than your siding so be sure the shingle color you have chosen does not clash with the siding and trim.
3. Carefully Review All Shingle Color Options
Go over all of the options. Use your home’s architecture as a guide for whether your new shingles should be a singular color or a blend of multiple colors.
4. Compare Shingle Colors Virtually
A lot of roofing manufacturers have software that allows customers the ability to download a photo of their home or select a housing style and drop in different colored siding and roofing options. Â In fact, we even offer a virtual remodeler tool to help homeowners narrow down choices.
5. Examine Life Size Samples Of Your Top Shingle Choices
Holding them up against your current shingles will allow you to see how much the new choices vary from what you currently have.

6. What Color Are Your Neighbors’ Roofs?
It’s important to be sure that your selections compliment your neighborhood. A choice that is not complimentary to neighboring homes may make selling your home more difficult down the road.
7. Shingle Colors Should Complement Your Home’s Style
Evaluate your home’s style to decide what are appropriate colors and what are not.  For example, a Spanish style home is going to look out of place with blue shingles. Home magazines can also be helpful in showcasing different styles of homes and the shingle colors that suit them the best.
Educate Yourself on All of the Components that Make Up a GAF Roofing System: