James & Bridget’s River Falls, WI LeafGuard® Gutter Project
It was the fall of 2009 when James talked Bridget into looking at real estate in River Falls, WI. The home they agreed upon was a foreclosure and needed a substantial amount of work. The couple and their friends and family spent that fall and winter making updates to the home’s interior.

Addressing the Need for New Gutters that will Protect Their Time and Home
As time passed, they began to direct their attention outdoors. One project on the couple’s to-do list was upgrading the home’s gutters. There were several problems with the pre-existing ones. On one side of the house they were sagging and pieces had fallen off. A few gutters lacked long enough downspouts to disperse away from the home’s foundation. Some sections of the house lacked gutters completely. This led to the mulch in their new landscaping being washed away. Because the gutters were not seamless, water leaked through in spots. One spot that really created a problem was over their garage where water leaked so badly that an ice mound formed every winter, making it difficult to get vehicles in and out. The open style gutters also posed a problem on their heavily treed lot, especially when it came to the never-ending helicopters that several of their trees shed. Bridget and James both worked long work weeks and they preferred to spend their weekends at the family cabin or in their swimming pool, rather than cleaning gutters.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was when they woke up one summer morning to find a few inches of water in their basement from a substantial rainfall overnight. The basement carpeting was soaked and the space that they’d worked so hard to finish was now a wet, musty mess. “As we worked to put our basement back together, we looked at each other and said we are never doing this again,” Bridget said.
Bridget and James say the decision to go with LeafGuard® Brand Gutters was a no-brainer. “We didn’t even call anyone else to give us a bid. I knew we wanted the best and their iron-clad warranties won us over. My dad is an architect and he complimented how well the gutters blended into our house once they were installed,” says James.
With a family member recently in a serious accident that resulted from a fall from cleaning gutters, the couple appreciates the fact that if their gutters ever clog, a trained gutter contractor with safety equipment will handle the issue.
Still unsure if they’ve found their forever home, they relish in the fact the warranties that come with their LeafGuard® Brand Gutters transfer to the next homeowners. “It’s a great selling point,” says Bridget.
Contact us today to get started on your gutter replacement project.