2 Spring Home Improvement Projects That Can Make Your Life Easier
Call us crazy, but our northern Minnesota winters feel like they get longer and longer every year. This means that our summers get shorter and shorter. Since we finally have beautiful weather, we think it’s a great time to ditch the following chores around your home for good!
Cleaning Your Gutters
The Problem: When your home’s gutters clog from leaves and other organic debris and it rains, the water needs to go somewhere but instead of flowing through the gutters and out the downspouts, the water overflows. This can compromise your home’s foundation, fascia and siding. In some cases, mold can begin to grow which is a serious health hazard. Not only is climbing a ladder to clean your rain gutters several times a year a real fun killer, it’s also dangerous. Each year, 22,000 people are injured falling off ladders.
The Fix: LeafGuard Brand Gutters are designed to allow water to flow freely while eliminating clogs by deflecting debris such as: leaves, pine needles and small branches from trees. We offer a “No Clog Warranty” for as long as you own the home and if your gutters ever get clogged we will clean them for free – GUARANTEED! LeafGuard Brand Gutters are the only gutters to have earned the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.
Staining Your Deck
The Problem: On many homes, a deck is not only a selling point, it’s a place for homeowners to entertain guests and relax. However, without proper care, a wooden deck can become an eyesore. This means that homeowners must undergo the chore, not to mention expense, of sanding, staining and sealing their deck. This task must be repeated every few years because wooden decks become weathered and oftentimes, it eats up an entire weekend.
The Fix: Composite decking, manufactured by companies such as TimberTech, allow homeowners the opportunity to enjoy their summer months without the hassle of staining their deck. TimberTech’s Capped Composite Decking offers a 25 year Fade and Stain warranty. Why break your back ever again performing such a tedious chore when there are better deck material options available?
Contact us today to get started on your next home improvement project with Lindus Construction.