Need an Energy Boost? Try Feng Shui in Your Home!
Feng Shui is the Chinese art of placement and spatial arrangement balance in relation to the flow of energy.  It is a science that was developed over 3,000 years ago and reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to increase your health and good fortune. It can be practiced in your “inner” space by things such as massage and yoga or be practiced in your “exterior” space by placement of sofas, pictures, your oven and additions to colors in certain areas of your home. In Feng Shui, chi is the universal energy that permeates everything around us. Picture chi in your home as water and would it flow harmoniously throughout your home or would it encounter a lot of blockage in the form of walls, closets or doors. Below are easy ways to positively impact the influence of energy in your home using Feng Shui.
Your Kitchen
Feng Shui in your kitchen is one of the most important places to have harmonious balance because we spend a lot of time in there preparing meals, entertaining and nurturing our bodies and souls. One of the first Feng Shui fixes is to banish clutter, as it has a negative effect on health and energy. Your stove represents the fire element in Feng Shui, so make sure that you rotate the use of the burners and do not overuse one or two to have balance. The single most importance of your oven, in relation to Feng Shui, is the positioning of it in your kitchen. You want your oven to reside on the south or southwest area of your kitchen and make sure that you are not cooking with your back to all the action happening. If you are not able to reposition your oven, it is recommended that you add a mirror above your oven so you will then be a part of the energy that is happening in the room. Feng Shui practices teach that leaking faucets in your kitchen make your wealth potential go right down the drain, for a better lack of words, so make sure to put that on the top of your priority list. Lightening up the room with paint and adding potted plants or a bouquet of flowers will boost your chi in your kitchen area too.
Your Bedroom
Your bedroom area of your home is your inner sanctum where you are most vulnerable in your sleep recharging your chi. You need to feel the most protected in this area of your home and avoid distractions and disturbances. Be aware of where your windows are because chi travels between doors and windows so you want to avoid positioning your bed within the draft of chi. You want to ensure that your bed is positioned so you can see the door from where you sleep. Also, having a supporting wall behind your bed, and balanced night stands on the sides of your bed without sharp angles, will promote good Feng Shui. The best Feng Shui practice in your bedroom is to eliminate electronics…especially the TV. If you have mirrors in your room you want to avoid your image being visible in the mirror while you sleep. The worst area in terms of Feng Shui of a mirror in your bedroom is at the foot of your bed. Last, but not least, you need to eliminate any clutter underneath your bed. Chi needs this space to circulate freely keeping health issues at bay.
Your Living Room
The third most lived in room in your home is the living room. To help the flow of Feng Shui in this area, pay special attention to corners and alcoves, which deaden chi, and lighten them up with lamps. If you have any potted plants with spikey leaves in this room switch them out with rounded leaf plants. Add mirrors in the room, but ensure that their reflection shows something of beauty such as a view out the window, instead of a reflection of the wall. If you think circular, when arranging your furniture, the chi in the room will flow more freely than it would in a boxier space.  If you have a table in your room, place it in the center of the seating area and have it be free of clutter. Do not have any furniture in this room with its back to the entrance which will prohibit positive energy when someone enters.